Sunday, May 03, 2009

An update

It doesn't feel like a week since the Comedy Festival ended. Did I really see 31 shows and generally laugh myself stupid at acts such as the Barry Award-winning The Pajama Men, The Bedroom Philosopher's Songs from the 86 Tram and Eric: The One Man Sketch Comedy Show? It already seems so long ago.

The last week has been emotionally exhausting. A friend committed suicide, and there's been a work situation that's taken up a lot of my time. Together, these two events have left me totally knackered.

On top of all that, I've been offered a new part time job as a journalist at Arts Hub, which I'm still weighing up; I've been to see a shit film (X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which makes X-Men 3: The Final Stand look good by comparison); some gorgeous visual art by Peter Madden and Joanna Langford at Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces; and a semi-good play (Leaves of Glass by Philip Ridley at Red Stitch Actors' Theatre in St Kilda, more of which shortly).

I'm stuffed. Time for a Sunday afternoon nap, I reckon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sympathies to you and your friend's family.